Viele Sachen schmecken lecker, ob vom Markt oder vom Bäcker. Was mag Emma und was mag der kleine Betrachter? Hier dürfen die kleinen Leser miterleben, was es heißt, zu essen - mit allen Sinnen: Bei Spaghetti mit Tomatensoße lässt sich herrlich spritzen, ein großes Stück Wassermelone ist nicht nur wohltuend saftig, sondern auch viel größer als der Mund, Gemüse ist gesund, aber ob es immer lecker ist?Kurze, eingängige Reime laden zum Mitsprechen ein. Product details For ages 1+ Format Board book | 16 pages ...
Body Confidence : Venice Nutrition's 3-Step System That Unlocks Your Body's Full Potential (9780061997280)
"Body Confidence" is a revolutionary nutrition and fitness program that doesn't require you to develop superhuman willpower, shun entire food groups, or devote your every waking moment to the treadmill. "Body Confidence" is a revolutionary approach based on three key nutrition factors that stabilize your blood surgar and keep your body in balance: Eating at consistent meal intervals; Absolute certainty in essential nutrient ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates; Identifying and consuming the right amount of calories per meal. With "Body Confidence" readers will learn to master determining their current metabolism and reprogramming it, focusing on body fat percentage rather than weight, setting measurable goals, following a customized exercise plan, and harnessing the powers of sleep, supplements, water and stress management, in perfect sync to optimize your body's performance. Packed with recipes, success stories, nutrition guides and exercise journals. "Body Confidence" is practical, doable, and packed with highly effective lifestyle changes that will finally make the traditional diet obsolete.
Product details
- Paperback | 352 pages
- 187 x 235 x 22mm | 463g
- 15 Apr 2013
- HarperCollins Publishers Inc
- HarperOne
- New York, United States
- English
- 0061997285
- 9780061997280
- 529,990
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