Viele Sachen schmecken lecker, ob vom Markt oder vom Bäcker. Was mag Emma und was mag der kleine Betrachter? Hier dürfen die kleinen Leser miterleben, was es heißt, zu essen - mit allen Sinnen: Bei Spaghetti mit Tomatensoße lässt sich herrlich spritzen, ein großes Stück Wassermelone ist nicht nur wohltuend saftig, sondern auch viel größer als der Mund, Gemüse ist gesund, aber ob es immer lecker ist?Kurze, eingängige Reime laden zum Mitsprechen ein. Product details For ages 1+ Format Board book | 16 pages ...
Imagine hearing the words of a song but not feeling the passion that lies within. Imagine living for years with someone in need and not being able to sense their sadness. Imagine your world turned upside down...
Like so many others, John Elder Robison was born with Asperger's. Over the years, he misread others' emotions or missed them altogether. Yet he'd also married, raised a son and become a successful businessman, designing sound systems for rock bands, creating robot games for Milton Bradley and building a car business. Then, at the age of fifty, he became a participant in a major study that would use an experimental brain therapy in an effort to understand and address the issues at the heart of autism. Initially, the results are startling. John's world is shaken by a previously unknown level of emotional awareness. But over the weeks that follow he struggles with the very real possibility that choosing to diminish his 'disability' might also mean sacrificing his unique gifts and maybe even some of his closest relationships.
Product details
- Paperback | 320 pages
- 129 x 198 x 23mm | 299g
- 02 Feb 2017
- ONEWorld Publications
- London, United Kingdom
- English
- 1786070383
- 9781786070388
- 447,403
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