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Foundations of Student Affairs Practice : How Philosophy, Theory and Research Strengthen Educational Outcomes (9780787946470)
"Foundations of Student Affairs Practice" is an essential resource that explores the purposes of higher education, the theories that provide a foundation for student learning and growth, and the experiences that contribute to student learning. Florence Hamrick, Nancy Evans, and John Schuh - three preeminent leaders in the field show how student affairs professionals can provide a more meaningful and holistic educational experience for their students.
Product details
- Hardback | 384 pages
- 181 x 236 x 25.4mm | 660g
- 01 Nov 2002
- John Wiley & Sons Inc
- Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S.
- New York, United States
- English
- 0787946478
- 9780787946470
Download Foundations of Student Affairs Practice : How Philosophy, Theory and Research Strengthen Educational Outcomes (9780787946470).pdf, available at for free.
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