Viele Sachen schmecken lecker, ob vom Markt oder vom Bäcker. Was mag Emma und was mag der kleine Betrachter? Hier dürfen die kleinen Leser miterleben, was es heißt, zu essen - mit allen Sinnen: Bei Spaghetti mit Tomatensoße lässt sich herrlich spritzen, ein großes Stück Wassermelone ist nicht nur wohltuend saftig, sondern auch viel größer als der Mund, Gemüse ist gesund, aber ob es immer lecker ist?Kurze, eingängige Reime laden zum Mitsprechen ein. Product details For ages 1+ Format Board book | 16 pages ...
In this, the first full-length study of Clayton Eshleman's poetry, poet and scholar Paul Christensen descends into the torch-lit underworld, the cave of the soul, that Eshleman has been exploring in his work for more than three decades. "In the caves of Dordogne," Christensen writes, "Eshleman discovered an underworld in actuality, a labyrinth in which Paleolithic humanity daubed and slashed their marks, their primordial psychic images." He also found a controlling metaphor for all his mature poetry: "For Eshleman, these markings were a first language, and they represent the primal separation between sleep and waking," between the darkness of pre-consciousness and the light of self-awareness, between the amoral animal (which simply "is") and the guilty man (who is tortured by the realization "I am").
Product details
- Paperback | 225 pages
- 152 x 228 x 19.81mm | 371.95g
- 05 Aug 2010
- David R. Godine Publisher Inc
- Black Sparrow Press,U.S.
- Jaffrey, NH, United Kingdom
- English
- New
- 0876858213
- 9780876858219
Download Minding the Underworld : Clayton Eshleman and Late Postmodernism (9780876858219).pdf, available at for free.
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