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History and Philosophy of Psychology is a lively introduction to the historical development of psychology. Its distinct inclusion of ideas from both Eastern and Western philosophies offers students a uniquely broad view of human psychology. * Whilst covering all the major landmarks in the history of psychology, the text also provides students with little-known but fascinating insights into key questions a?? such as whether Freud really cured his patients; what was nude psychotherapy; and were the early psychologists racist? * Encourages students to explore the philosophical and theoretical implications of the historical development of psychology * Explores key theoretical ideas and experiments in detail, with background to their development and valuable suggestions for further reading
Product details
- Paperback | 406 pages
- 192 x 245 x 21mm | 798g
- 28 Feb 2012
- John Wiley and Sons Ltd
- Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd)
- Chicester, United Kingdom
- English
- 1. Auflage
- 1405179465
- 9781405179461
- 1,634,841
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